Chapter 20 - Like someone

Xiao Yi continued to drive the red motorbike at medium speed. Her hair was waving in the night wind because she was not wearing a helmet. When riding a motorbike like this, Xiao Yi thought of Yu Chen.

In the past, they often traveled by motorbike for reasons to be more romantic. If not for Yu Chen, maybe until now Xiao Yi would never have been able to ride a motorbike. No matter how bad Yu Chen was, this man still adorned her days.

Lin Xiao Yi snapped out of her reverie when the young man who was in the ride, put his hand on her stomach instead. This really made her very uncomfortable. The teenager's head has now even rested on her back.

"Did you pass out?" Xiao Yi said with anxiety. Afraid if the young man suddenly fell from the motorbike.

"No, my head just hurts a little," he said in a lackluster voice.

"Hold on until we reach your apartment. What's your name, by the way?" Xiao Yi even forgot to ask his name earlier.

"My name is Zhaoxing," he said simply.

"Don't hug me too tightly because I'm not used to it," Xiao Yi said as she moved her waist so Zhaoxing loosened his hands.


Xiao Yi accelerated the speed of the motorbike she was driving towards the Summer Flower Apartment. A year in Hangzhou made it easy for her to find the apartment.

After arriving Xiao Yi then carried Zhaoxing's body into the elevator, heading for his apartment on the tenth floor.

"Do you have a medicine box?" Xiao Yi said after laying down Zhaoxing's body on the sofa. There was a feeling of pity to see his battered face hit by a group of young people earlier.

Zhaoxing pointed to one of the cabinets near the television so Xiao Yi immediately went over to find a medicine box.

Before treating the wound on Zhaoxing's face, Xiao Yi first prepared warm water in a basin to wash the wound with warm water.

"Ouch," Zhaoxing groaned as Xiao Yi pressed his eyelids too hard.

"You said that you wanted to die but just got a little hurt you groaned," Xiao Yi squeaked as she rubbed Zhaoxing's face slowly.

"What's your business with them so that you got beaten up?" Xiao Yi asked to know the truth.

"Nothing," Zhaoxing said dryly without any intention of saying any further.

"What's your name? Why did you help me earlier?" he continued while observing Xiao Yi's face, which looked a little older than him but looked very cute.

"Just call me Xiao Yi. I just happened to be there. I would feel guilty if I didn't help someone who was having a hard time," Xiao Yi said.

"How old are you?" Zhaoxing asked.

"23 years," Xiao Yi asked honestly.

"Will you be my lover?" Suddenly, Zhaoxing's lips moved on their own to release such words.

Xiao Yi looked at the teenager in front of her with a frown and then put the back of her hand on his forehead. Maybe he was having a fever so the chatter was not clear under his consciousness.

"You're not hot high but why do you digress like that," Xiao Yi muttered.

"I don't have a fever and I'm still conscious. You must think I'm out of my mind because I said that even though we just met,"  Zhaoxing said, who immediately put on a sour face. Knowing what Xiao Yi was thinking about him.

"Of course, who would believe the words of a teenager your age," Xiao Yi said, chuckling with amusement because this was the first time a teenager had said love to her.

"What's wrong with it if I said it earlier? Doesn't love come at any time?" Zhaoxing said irritably.

"There is nothing wrong. But you should study harder first then think of a lover." Xiao Yi shook her head remembering how cute the man in front of her was.

"Where's your cell phone?" Zhaoxing raised his hand to ask Xiao Yi for a cellphone.

"What for?"

"Quickly give it to me."

Xiao Yi then reached into her cellphone from her bag and gave it to Zhaoxing.

The young man then tapped on Xiao Yi's cellphone screen. Like writing something down. After he finished he handed her cellphone back to Xiao Yi.

"That's my cell phone number," he said.

Xiao Yi's forehead creased at the name written on the contact with the name Zhaoxing. However Xiao Yi didn't care. He's just a runny kid who might be trying to find a girlfriend for collectibles.

"If I call you have to answer it," Zhaoxing said in an orderly tone.

"Indeed, who are you? So order me at will," Xiao Yi sneered as she rolled her eyes. Thinking, seemed like Zhaoxing really sick.

"Didn't I tell you if I asked you to be my girlfriend? Of course I'm your future boyfriend," Zhaoxing said with a sullen face.

"I'm older than you so there's no need to mess around. What if I already have a boyfriend or husband? Do you want to deal with them?" Xiao Yi couldn't help thinking that she had to meet an unstable man like Zhaoxing.

"If you do have a boyfriend, you can't possibly be in a lonely place alone at night," Zhaoxing said.

"Never mind, I'll go home. You better treat the wounds on other parts of your body yourself. If you haven't healed until tomorrow, you can contact me," Xiao Yi explained as she rose to her feet because if she came home too late, she was afraid that no more taxis would pass.

"Wait, do you live here alone?" Xiao Yi had been about to ask but forgot.

"As you can see, there is nobody in my house," Zhaoxing said.

Lin Xiao Yi immediately went outside leaving Zhaoxing who was still leaning on the sofa, feeling pain all over his body.

Didn't know why when he first saw Xiao Yi, Zhaoxing's heart immediately fluttered. He missed someone he loved so much. That's why he wanted to make Xiao Yi a girlfriend. Hoping to be able to treat the longing for him if she was around him.

Indeed that sounded absurd. But when he saw Xiao Yi's face up close, it was like Zhaoxing was near the person he missed.