Lamia's breath


Broken Goddess tears fell from Thelamia's eyes. Though, she still tried to nudge him with all her will,

"Please Geno...wake up..."

Saldy, Genocide was just wholly unconscious.

Rain of overpouring dark demise had descened from the sky. Crack and Burn were almost about to get near the pitiful Goddess. Then, suddenly, Thelamia heard the vooce of Genocide from somewhere,

"Thamy...wake up..."


Thelamia was just mind-boggled.

Though, Genocide.was still just a corpse beside her. Thereupon, Thelamia was filled with skepticism by the strange echoing voice around the area. When she looked in front of her, she saw that Crack and Burn disintegrated. Somehow, the dead Genocide was no longer there such as he didn't even existed.

She was even more confused than ever,

"What's going on?"

That sudden moment, she saw a bloody rapier had stabbed her chest cleanly. When she looked straight once again, she now saw the faceless dread of Julieth,


Thelamia didn't spurt out blood for some reason. She heard the yearning voice of Genocide once more,

"Snap out of it Thamy!"

Not only that, she also sensed the high-pitched android voice of Spheera as well,

"Yeah! Snap out of it master!"

Thelamia witnessed a glimpse that there was a dire scene from a short second. She took a gamble. Then, she tried to call onto her companions from faraway, while her mouth was leaking with her crimson blood,

"Geno...Spheera! Where are you!"

Her hands clenched tight and trusted her inner senses.

She started to get up and tried to struggle from the weapon that struck her chest deeply. Somehow, her primal senses felt that the pain was hollow. There after, she tried to remove the weapon that stabbed her,


As she removed the blade that struck her, the scene she was witnessing started to show crevices and cracks. Not much soon, glass fragments burst out of the way.

There, her eyes witnessed that Genocide, Spheera were fighting a strange creature at the altar of blight. The creature had the upper body of a tenacious woman and the vile serpentine tail of a snake called Lamia.

Her eyes widened with immense surprise,

"Huh? What's really going on?!"

Spheera pounced,

"You inhaled its strange breath master! And you became unconscious."

Genocide let his weapon to be wreathed in hellfire,

"Yeah! Like the ball kitten said!"

Thelamia started to get up,

"So that was just an illusion before."

Most likely.

Now, Thelamia was convinced. Soon, she joined the party and revealed her enchanted chain-like weapon. Her eyes focused upon the vicious she-monster.

The air grew tense as all of them tried to anticipate each other's enemies.

In a split second, the abomination swung its serpent's tail at them. Thankfully, Thelamia just leaped back and dodged the threatful first blood. While Genocide was still in mid-air, the monster grasped the opportunity and charged at him with her sharp claws.


Genocide expressed.

The monster swung its claw, yet suddenly, it was ensnared somehow.

Genocide shifted below. There, he saw Thelamia had used her magical weapon to bound the monster's hands.

He gave her a thumbs up,

"Nice work Thamy!"

Though, the Goddess was just serious,

"What the hell are you doing Geno! Do something aboit this! I can't hold this scary gal any longer!"

Okay, not really.

Spheera released tons of plasma-filled projectiles at the monster from left and right. While it was releasing its shots, it looked-like was a miniature drone from an advanced civilization shooting out lasers.

Genocide nodded and grinned,

"Oh yeah, we're still in a battle."

Thelamia was just infuriated by his remark.

Not much soon, he smacked the monster down to the hard ground. Then, he aimed his flamebreaker and pulled its trigger as it was a destructive flamethrower.

Soon, Genocide's weapon had stopped spewing out flames. Thereon, Genocide descended down on the ground,

"Darn, I really need to change this thingy's batteries."

Although, Thelamia noticed that the monster was just grinning while it was being scorched inside,

"Please don't tell me..."

The flames dispersed and the monster didn't even have any burns whatsoever.

Genocide crossed his arms,

"Huh...guess she's flame resistant."

Spheera fumed,

"Ofcourse we could see that!"

Thelamia turned nervous,

"So what?"

Genocide tipped his hat confidently,

"Ahem! Let me handle this. I have the perfect plan."

He approached the monster woman and bowed as he was a courteous gentleman of honor,

"Excuse me milady, would you care for a dance?"


Thelamia burst out loud.

Then, her finger pointed at him,

"Will you really approach anyone?! Even a monster as long as she's a woman?!"

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"Hey we're out of options okay? And I don't see you using your glorified powers of a Goddess anytime soon."

Spheera just sighed,

"He's truly a pervert."

Genocide asked the lady monster once more,

"So, what's your response milady?"

Suddenly, the monster screeched high above the ceiling such as it was in grievious pain,


There after, the monster disintegrated into nothingness. Thereon, the three of them were just utterly surprised, especially Thelamia,


Spheera rolled its eyes while it had a grin,

"Guess that's a no Geno, since she knows you're a pervert."

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"Guess she doesn't like dancing."

Then, his eye caught unto something and approached at the nearby corner,

"Oh yeah Thamy, there's a treasure chest. I'm sure you wanna open your prize now."

Thelamia went close to him, but she didn't tell any other word.

Genocide tilted his head,

"What's wrong Tha—"

Thelamia pounced unto him and gave him rapid hits of a violent maiden to her lover, while she was embracing him,


Spheera was just caught with surprise due to the behavior of its master.

As for Genocide, he made a forced smile, since Thelamia acted strange,

"Huh? Hey, I'm alive and kicking ya know!"

Though, Thelamia just cried lots, while she was hitting him at every second.

Genocide had stopped teasing her and just nodded. Then, he tried to ease her tensions by giving her headpats and backrubs of comfort,

"There there won't see those horrors again my little Goddess."


Thelamia just made a scandalous cry around the whole place.

As for Spheera, it was just happy as fluttering pink hearts and sweet honey gales had breezed around the two.

Soon, Thelamia calmed down. When she was about to open the chest, she had second thoughts. She just left the treasure chest to be in-tact,

"Nahhh, I won't open it anymore."

Genocide was confused,

"Why's that Thamy?"

Thelamia just put her delicate finger on top of his lips, while she was winking as a lovely woman,

"It's a secret."

Genocide crossed his arms,

"Really Thamy, you're acting stranger and stranger now. Yet, I'm not worried anymore since you got your smile back."

Thelamia clenched her fists and crossed her eyebrows,

""Hey! I'm not smiling okay! In fact I'm angry at you!"

Spheera butted-in,

"Yeah! Master is truly angry at you! You pervert who wants to even have a sweet time with a monster!"

Genocide just laughed as a maniac,

"Gahahahaha! Now that's the Thamy I know."

When his eyes were wandering elsewhere, he witnessed a glimspe of something strange by the distance. There, he noticed that the masked Fae was spying on them. Though, when her cover was blown, she vanished.

Thereon, Genocide was just puzzled in his thoughts,

"Huh? What's Fae doing here?"