You have no idea!

"I am not breaking any rule, lord Gerard. I am just stating facts. The winner of the competition serves the crown prince. But this year the competition is won by my own silly sister. Now you are not expecting her to leave her royal life and be my knight and serve me, are you, lord Gerard? So the next winner should be the one to serve me, and that is this dumb girl.

You can have the second runner up, she is better than her in speaking and their sword wielding capacity was almost at par." he said with the same laid back attitude returned.

"I did not think so. Though the girl is a little rude. I saw her wielding two swords together. If nurtured well, she would be the best knight of the empire." he said, praising me, as he looked at me from up to bottom, his eyes stayed on my face for more than 10 seconds but before i could look he turned to William again.