The weakness called love

William's pov

I continued to look at the distance as their vehicle crossed the distance and left the area. 

"Your highness."

"I want you to book my night at the brothel with the best girl they had.'' I said to the kneeling man and he nodded and left.

I could see the look of disdain in the nobles around me and I gave a sultry look to the ladies with them, who returned a shy smile with a red face. Women never stop to amaze me, behaving like a pious person yet ready to melt with my single gaze, yet I was the one to be blamed. 

I shook my head as I turned only to see my mother coming towards me. Her pathetic state was clearly visible, all the time she was standing like a mannequin doll being with my so-called father while he was busy looking at the competition and holding hands of the empress, his legal wife. If possible I would have taken her and ran away from here when I had seen her crying for the first time.