Future heir

Abigail pov contd

"I am telling the truth, lady Sophie. If you do not believe me, you can try sparring with me." a frown formed on her face when I did not change my statement. She continued to look at me for a minute as if waiting for me to say, 'caught you, I was joking' but when it didn't happen her frown increased.

"You really are trying to be a knight? Can you? They are dirty, muddy and covered with dirt all the time. And they stand like guards, always in an alert position. The sun will ruin your flawless skin. " she complained, making an ugly face. I knew I still had to keep a relationship with her. She would come in handy when I had to know the internal affairs or schedule of Gerard or I would have told her how important a knight was for the kingdom.

"I know Lady Sophie. But this way I can claim to be the heir of the dukedom. I can be the lady of the house." I replied, and as expected her face shimmered, a greedy smile formed on her face.