Ignoring each other

"You can go and ask father. I would not lie about something which could be confirmed easily. If you are afraid to ask, I can do that for you too. Now tell me would you like to play some board games or go out with me?" I offered again but she ran away crying as if I had bullied her.

I could only sigh. I took another piece of cupcake in my mouth and started reading the book again.

"You should not eat this much sweets if you want to be a strong knight and heir of the dukedom," said Nickolas standing in front of me. Surprisingly I didn't even hear him enter.

"I am a fine brother. My metabolism is strong. I will not gain weight ``I replied with a smile as he sat on the front chair taking a piece of cookie and eating it slowly.

"Isabella is crying that you bullied her again and that you are trying to usurp the whole dukedom," he said in a blank voice, and I had trouble understanding his emotions yet I nodded honestly.