You are special

When you start enjoying something, time flies fast. I spent a good time with Nickolas talking about everything and nothing, naming the clouds and eating delicious food. 

"I have good news for you, Abi," he said when we stood up to go back. But he was not looking at all happy

I looked at him to check if there really was news or was he playing a prank on me?

"You have been promoted as a squire, soon" he said with a smile and I blinked.

Though it could be a matter of happiness, somewhere I had thought that they would promote me as a knight since I was already the winner of knight's competition. would nt crown prince announce me as his knight soon?

"Who will I serve, brother?" I asked, as this was the most important thing. though i knew who it could be

"Well. since you are training under Noah, he would be the one you would serve." there was a hint of irritation in his voice and so did mine.