You fraud, you cheater

His words rang in my mind like alarm bells. Why did he sound like a bad boy from college who likes to bully his crush!?

"What did you just say?" I was astonished and he looked at me tilting his face.

"I told you the truth. I have been training to teach double sword technique to so many knights for years. But none of them was able to grasp it as efficiently as you even when I have not taught you that personally. I am surprised that you grasped it so perfectly just by looking from afar." he said with a face full of admiration and pride and i finally left the breath i did not know i was holding. 

So he was talking about my skill, and here I thought that he liked me. I shook my head at that absurd thought. He liked me only as a cat liked a mouse. To bully mice for his entertainment.

"That's not needed, i will continue training under you if you promise me that you will treat me nicely and did not bully me or insult me"

"Alright, i…"