hiding skills

Nickolas pov

I looked at the running girl with worried eyes. Just an hour ago she was looking annoyed by the fact that she was appointed as Noah's squire. And now look at her, she was laughing and running around.

But I still feel that my father was being too unreasonable with her.

I walked towards the father 's office with another informant paper in my hand that I had taken from the palace.

I knocked on the door and only entered when he allowed me too.


He looked at me as I addressed him officially and nodded.

"Have you informed leader Noah and sir Abigail?" he asked in a formal voice and I nodded.

"Yes, commandant"

"Well done. Anything else"

"Yes, the informant parchment had another news about sir Abigail" i replied as i passed the parchment to my father.