Happy family

Abigail pov contd.

I looked at my father with aggrieved eyes. 

"Dad, i was trying to save both of us" i retorted when he decided to keep me house arrested again. I had to go to the tea house in two days. I have a lot to do!

"But I have asked all of you to wait till I return. What if anything major has happened, Abi? What if you had been hurt?" Although his tone was filled with anger, I could see only fear in his eyes, immense fear and my brows furrowed. Why was he so worried?

"Father, do you not trust my skills at all?" I asked, confused, these days he's worries were reaching new heights! Did he used to be so worried in the past too?!

But before I could ask him further my eyes fell on the man with silver hair. He was jumping from the ferris wheel. I was sure he was the one who had given me the letter of his highness at yesterday 's archduke's party.