What she wanted

William pov

"How do you think that accident happened?" I asked, looking at James who finally came and climbed on the other horse.

"Someone is behind her. The way Hundred got lost in the woods and then breaking off all the levers of the ferris wheel both are well planned accidents." though i already knew that fact, I still felt anger bubbling up again when he pointed it out.

"And it is because she is coming close to me. It had started the day she had saved me from the Chandelier or the day when she came back to the competition on my horse?" 

"I think someone wanted to take her place in the competion and this was to injure her so that she could not come to the knighthood ceremony and once again lose her place.

Even the way his father was behaving, as if he knew that there was someone behind her who did not want her to be your knight." 

'So once again the reason was me! Huh! I was still the dark moon of her life'