The babysitting

Abigail pov

  I sat in the carriage early in the morning as I could not keep the emperor waiting for me. I was supposed to go alone but my father was adamant to come with me. He said he was there for moral support. He did not want me to feel pressured. I wanted to tell him that I did not care but I was sure he would not listen.

We both sat there in silence. I looked outside at the passing trees as my hairs blew with the wind. 

"Abi, I need you to be patient there but do not lose your confidence. I will give my best to protect you. I know that you think I did not love you enough and I am unreasonable these days.. But I want to tell you that I love you the most and I can even sacrifice my life for you.`` I was just listening to his words with silence, but when the last words left his mouth. I felt a lump forming on my throat. I gulped and my eyes turned misty.