Meeting him again

Abigail pov

I was wondering why.. Why he was assured that i would be able to convince Josephine to do my bidding? As far as i had noticed, she took me as a plaything, she had never talked to me as if i was an equal person. Then how did he even deduce that she likes me. 

"I did not hear your reply, lady Abigail." he looked at me as if he was looking into my soul.

"I will be honored to serve the royal palace in every way, your majesty. But I did not understand how I was supposed to do that. As you said, her royal highness did not leave her chamber then how am i supposed to meet her and convince her. It is not possible to meet at once, your majesty, ``I tried to explain. I already had training, a clothing business, and a jewelry business. And being knight of William in my plate. My plate was not only foolish but overwhelming. Yet they expect me to do more..!!