Joining the academy

Abigail pov.

"So you both want to have a race with me?" asked Josephine, looking down on us from her horse.

"If you are not afraid of losing this time. How is your wound now?" 

"Ha! Since when have you gained enough talent to win from me?"

"Ah, I was talking about the girl who defeated you in the competition." I looked at William through gritted teeth. The man was trying to create a rift between us or what!?

"I did not think it is a good idea.'' I said when they both looked at me with annoyance.

"Who have asked you?"

"Did anyone ask you?" They both spoke simultaneously and I rolled my eyes. Were they both not talking about me!? Now they expect me to not even speak about myself!

"I mean I shall go and look for my father." I replied , trying my best to maintain a smile.

"Leo, go and inform the duke that sir Abigail is practicing with us, so he did not need to worry." 

"Yes, your highness"