Charmed yet scared

Josephine pov

When I said I would be joining the academy, it was something I did on the spur of the moment. But when I looked at the stunned faces of all three of them, I regretted it. I wanted to see how life was behind these four walls. Yet I never went out no matter what! Because I knew, my father wanted me to find a groom and then marry.

When I go out a man of his choice would woo me and my fragile heart would fall into his trap. No, I would never let that happen. I would never feel emotions or love anyone. 

I would never marry a man. So that he could control the man and rule even after getting retired.

I was nothing but a pawn in his eyes. But I will make sure that I will never move the way he wants. 

"That would give you a new experience, your highness. I will try my best to assist you in the academy."  said Abigail, the girl who had taken my attention.