Who was the master!

Isabella pov

"If you want to work on the designs, why don't we go to Nick's chamber and find Oliver. You both can work there. While me and Nick will discuss about the training.'' I frowned as they were taking it too lightly. Since this would be the first bracelet and jewels set on my name, I wanted it to be perfect. 

'I still feel that working here, Where all the instruments and jewels are available would be better, Abi '' she looked at me and contemplated for a minute and then nodded.

"Alright. Then I will send Beth and ask brother Nick to bring Oliver here." she only trued when Beth bowed her head and left.

These days, she has changed completely, as if she was not the Abigail I know. I still remember how she had given me stale food to eat as a welcome gift and forced me to swallow it in front of her friends. And from that day she had bullied me continuously.