Intense eyes but peaceful face!

Isabella pov contd.

I looked at the man with shock! Was he serious? Did he expect me to do all the work while he would just sit and learn? Wow! 

"No, that would not do. You have to come here and assist me. I will cut stones and you will melt gold to form design, but do not worry, i will instruct you how to melt metal and form designs.`` I assured him in case he was afraid of making a mess.

  Being a designer was good, but he needed to make them too.

"So, you want me to melt the gold and form the design only. Then you will cut and add stone and finish it?" he asked, tilting his head.

The way he used that authoritative tone made my palms sweaty. I rubbed it with my dress discreetly as i nodded.

"Yes, that's right. You should come here and help me.'' I said with my head raised high. With the years of being bullied my Abi has given me enough courage to face this new trouble naming Oliver.