The changes in her

Noah pov.

There was something wrong with this girl. As if she would not stop until the whole empire bowed down to her.

I was living in the duke's palace for a long time. I have seen her many times in the past getting punished. She was nothing but a spoiled brat to begin with who was haughty to her bones and did not see anyone equal to her.

She had been bullying her sister and so she was getting in return. I had never thought that she would even have a goal in her life. She would just marry an asshole noble who would be haughty like her and they both would be nothing but nuisance for the society.

But suddenly she had changed into another person. Like she was not the one whom I used to see. Her eyes had turned sharper, her moves have turned lethal. The girl I was sure could not hold the sword even if I wasted my lifetime in teaching her had used dual sword technique in the fight. And i was sure i have not taught a single attack that she had used,