Catch me red handed

Abigail pov

"I will talk to you later. For now I have work!" I told him as I moved towards them again. The dress was better than my expectations. It was a beautiful midnight blue color dress with lacework on the neck and the hem was decorated with diamonds. It was giving the vibe of a starry night in the sky.

I looked at the dress and was mesmerized. It was something that could give a tough competition to what Gerard was making! And most importantly it would be used by the crown prince. So, it was bound to get a lot of attention.

"You have done a great job on the dress. I was not expecting a dress in less than 3 days, that also with fine details. You are appointed permanently. I will send the address and other details with Beth on her next holiday. Is there something you are expecting?" I asked as they both looked at each other and then at me.