Blue hair

Abigail pov contd.

Why was she so proficient in catching me red handed every time! Even when we were in the same team now, her habit of finding me never went away!

I took a deep breath as I came down and turned.

"Oh, Bella, when did you come back?" I asked , feigning surprise.

"Just when you were trying to climb the tree. What were you doing anyway?" asked Isabella, looking at me and then at the tree. It was clear that the tree was closer to the window of our private room.

"Aah, that! I have eaten a lot. So, I was feeling heavy.  Decided to do some exercise to feel better.'' I said with a straight face, and she frowned.

"You were trying to digest the food by climbing the tree?" she asked, astonished but I just needed it with all seriousness.