The battle

Abigail pov

Abigail pov contd

"So.. is there a prize the winner will get?" I asked once we took our stance.

He raised a brow at my questions and then chuckled, "and here I thought that I am giving you pointers." he shook his head and then looked back at me.

"Well, a prize makes the competition worth winning." I replied with a smirk and he nodded.

"Very well. I must say you have always been a smart girl. So, what is it that you want as a prize?" He asked me if my family was interested.

"If I win, I want you to hand me the barren land of the south coast." I asked with a smile, I remember that piece was taken as waste and never even one utilized. But later it was found that there was a gold mine. It has increased the prowess of the archduke by twofold.

He frowned as he looked at me, "how do you know about that part of property and that it was under my name?" his eyes turned sharp and his whole relaxed aura turned into suspicious one.