He could never love!

Abigail pov

He was going all out yet his father was saying that he had taken a liking to me. Ha! If a person could attack this way while he was in love then what would he do when he would be filled with hatred! Gerard was such a calculative man, he could never love anyone.

I moved back and turned to stop his attack, and then bent down to hit his torso.

"That was a wonderful defense." he said with a smile. That smile was cold and ruthless with the bloodlust filled in it. It reminded me of the time when he had killed me mercilessly with the same sword.

  Cold wind started blowing on my skin, and I suddenly felt very hot too. 'You need to focus, Abi. you can not lose to him.' I reminded myself again and again, and finally it worked and I defended the attack on my chest at the last second.