Who will be the emperor?

Gerard Pov

In utter humiliation, my body was burning with rage, so when I entered the room, I threw all the things on the floor. How could they all treat me like this! Why? I was much better than that wastrel who knew nothing but to drink and dine. Yet he had all the power and now he was trying to show off. I could not let this happen.

Maids who were habitual of my behavior stayed at the corner, like lifeless statues. They were trying their best to stay invisible, in case they become the subject of my torture. But I didn't care about what they thought. They were here to serve me, not the other way around.

Taking out all the anger, and destroying almost everything, I finally sat on the sofa taking a drink to drown myself in its bitter taste. Both of them were nothing but fools yet blinded in the power they think they could be better than me. Ha! I really feel like hiring mercenaries once again and getting done with that coward.