Academy tests

Abigail pov

"Are you nervous, Abi?" asked Isabella for the nth time as she continued to look at her notes. Her hands were sweaty and her face had lines formed on her forehead. She continued to look at the notes as if they were her mortal enemies.

I have to muffle my laughter looking at her worried face. It was just a test and I knew she would get the highest marks in the whole academy. Well, in the past she did. 

She wanted to show all the higher nobles that she was better than them. So she did hard work day and night and defeated all the other nobles. While i..  I had barely passed the exams.

"You would do wonders. Beating everyone in the exams, you will be the one to get first position.`` I replied and she looked at me with an embarrassed and nervous face.

"I am content as long as I get to study well and get a chance to enter the council," she replied with a sigh and I chuckled.