Shall I do the honor?

Abigail pov contd

"Then, I will advise you to take rest, your highness. I will go by myself.'' I replied with an encouraging smile when he shook his head.

"I have given you my words, little bird. How can I let you go alone" he replied, shaking his head and I did not know what to say further.

"Then what solution do you have, your highness? '' I asked the stubborn man.

"Why don't we just jump the roofs. It will save both of us time to climb and descend the stairs' ' my jaw almost hit the floor looking at his nonchalant words.

I looked at roofs that have almost 4-5 feet difference. How could he expect that jumping from one building to another was much better than walking like a human! Does he think that monkeys were our ancestors, so we still have their qualities? I looked at him from head to toe. Even if he was trash, he was one sexy piece of trash. I did not want him to break his limbs while jumping.