Using them!

William pov

I was teasing her. There was no way that I would kiss her. My first kiss should be more memorable, more romantic and only with the person who loved me back. Hell! What was I even thinking?! I have missions to complete, and here I was fantasizing about being kissed.

My eyes went to her lips unconsciously. They were beautiful red cherry lips. I was sure that they would taste heavenly. But why did she have a wicked grin? Should she not be feeling embarrassed or more glaring at me!

Or did she finally remember the past. Whenever i used to ask her, she would have replied, 

'You would take the initiative or shall I do the honor, your highness?' and I used to fluster and run away. A smile bloomed on my lips when I remembered those days.

"You would take the initiative or shall I do the honor, your highness?"  my eyes widened when she spoke the same words of my heart. 

My grip on her waist loosened as I stood there in shock.