To support or to beat him?

Isabella pov

"I also got admission here. So, I was just going back to the palace. Shall we go together my lady?" he asked me politely, his behavior was much more polite today which surprised me but i felt comforted too. I could see he was trying to protect me from the insults.

I smiled and nodded to him when I heard them laughing. 

"So, you are still acting innocent. You should at least chose a better noble to act pitiful, i did not even remember this man in the noble circle." said Sophie, finally putting alcohol into the fire. 

Oliver glared at them, he was looking too irritated by their comments, I was too. But I knew they all were higher nobles. I would not be able to argue with all of them, it would be better that I go home and ask my mother or father to deal with them.