She was bullied!

Abigail pov

I rubbed my forehead as Beth told me the whole story. So, Isabella was not pushed this time. I wonder if she would have been pushed or insulted further if Oliver would not have interfered? I could not avoid the fact that he was just trying to help Isabella. Though his steps were too impulsive.

"Let me think about it, go and call Oliver here." Beth wiped her tears and nodded as she left the room.

I sat down and took the hot tea in my hands. Its warmth made me feel better as the bitter taste touched my lips.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

'Should I go and request Sophie? She would surely agree to me after some persuasion but she would definitely ask for a favor in return and Oliver needs to apologize too. If Bella would have slapped the girl, it would not have been a big deal, since Bella was the higher noble than the girl.