Grow together

Isabella pov

"Father, she was bullied in the academy." i was not surprised that she knew the matter. Somehow she always knew more things than others do. But I have never thought that Abi would blatantly tell me about it. It was not like I did not want to complain but I did not want to bring Oliver in attention.

Father looked surprised at her and then at me. "Bella, would you care to explain, love?" asked mother, fidgeting at her seat looking at the angry face of father.

"Mother, it is not a big matter. We just have some small misunderstanding in the academy.`` I replied with a smile, though I was sure it was looking worse than my cries.

She nodded her head in satisfaction and then looked at father who was still looking at me pensively. His deep eyes were a boring hole in my body. As if he was trying to decipher my thoughts.