Kissed the tears

Isabella pov

I know he was talking about work, yet my heart beat so fast when he said that we will reach the sky together. His eyes were clear like the night sky. For a moment I felt myself lost in them.

"If you would go to prison then how would you work on jewels too?" I tried to change the topic as I looked back. I did not know why but I suddenly felt uneasy when he moved towards me and sat in front of me. 

"I will not go to prison but even if I did, I am assured that when I come out. You would still let me work with you. I am sure you have enjoyed working with me as much as I have enjoyed your company." he looked deep into my eyes as he said that.

There was a calming smile on his face but I was anything but calm. Why was I feeling that every word had double meanings?

"I will make sure that you will not have injustice since you are in this predicament because of me.'' I replied with a serious smile and he chuckled.