
Abigail pov contd

Before William could reach me hundred started running with the speed, he had not even run when the wolves were chasing us. But instead of walking towards the palace. It started running towards the deeper forest. 

"Whoa whoa" I shouted as I held his reins, trying my best to control him and stop him but hundred was not in a mood of listening at all. It was too violent and running wildly. I was having a hard time maintaining my balance with this speed and unsteady gait.

  "Abigail" I heard a deep cry and turned to see that William was chasing me and behind him were his three knights but they were too far away to catch up.

I could hear him Whipping his horse as he continued to chase me, he was coming closer yet the distance was too much for me to jump on his horse and the speed was too much to jump on the ground.
