Loved you for ages!

Abigail pov contd

"Abigail, where the hell are you?" I could hear him shouting but I was sure he could not see me anymore due to the darkness of the area. We were in the deepest part of the forest. It was too dark to see anything.

"Hundred, stop it." I shouted at the horse who had turned completely crazy. It started trotting high and I had to hold tightly to maintain my balance. 

As if the trigger had been pressed, hundred fully gave up. He trotted high in the air, and this time I was not not lucky enough to hold myself and fell from him.

His body finally gave up and he threw me on the ground and then fell himself.

I felt my body suddenly rising in the air. The smell of wet grass and soil filled my nose. The air was so soft and comforting that for a moment I forgot about my pain, but it hit hard when I finally fell on the ground.