I shall be the one to use it

Abigail pov contd

"Why…" I couldn't continue my words. I did not know what to say at all. It was as if his words had taken me off guard. There was so much pain in his voice that it did not seem to be the crown prince I knew from the past two lives but a lover who was betrayed in love and a man who had suffered a lot alone.

He was in a messy state. His dishevelled golden hair was plastered to his dirty, scratched face, his clothes were stained with mud. He was messed up. Yet he was looking his best to me, his eyes had something I couldn't quite understand why it felt like his image was overlapping with a young boy whom I have seen for a long time.

"Every why does not have an answer little bird. Some questions need to be buried with time. Come, we should go now. This place is not safe." he said as he held me in his arms.