How do you know?

Abigail pov contd

"I shall be the first to try it, if it does not give any side effects only then you will use it." he said it so selflessly that my heart skipped a beat.

Shouldn't a prince ask others to try things before himself if he was susceptible to it?! Why did he care for me so much? Strange thoughts have been bubbling in me since morning, no matter how much I try to ignore them, my heart keeps entertaining a part of it.

"Umm, little bird, if it is not too much to ask, will you help me a bit?" he asked, breaking my reverie and I nodded.

I took some ointment in my hands and then applied it on his hands, but suddenly he turned. Only then did I notice that the back of his shirt was torn badly and the whole back was red. I winced looking at his back, 

"It is fine, if…" I started applying ointment on his back before he could deny it. He stiffened when I touched him, his whole body turned stiff.