Hug me closer to your heart!

William pov

"How do you know that?'' I could not help but ask her. I did not know that she had so much knowledge about herbs and medicines. It never felt to me in the first place that she was so knowledgeable, as if she had spent fair share of her life in the woods. But it still could have been a coincidence, as she said she had read about it in her free time. 

But knowing about the path was absolutely impossible unless you have been here before.

"I just remembered it when I rode here." she replied nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders and i frowned.

The speed of the horse was too high to notice the path.

"Are you sure? Because i did not notice the path.'' I replied and she smirked.

"You did not notice the path because your whole eyes were on me.'' Alright, I could not refuse her words. I was too worried. For a moment I felt that I had lost her again. And it was such a terrifying moment that I shuddered just by remembering them.