Coming closer!

Abigail pov

  "There must be around a dozen." he replied as I felt the footsteps of theirs and I nodded, we would be shredded to pieces and even our parts would not be able to be recognized if they would see us or even feel our presence.

"Do not move, your highness," I said , hugging him tightly. He stiffened in my arms out of fear.

"Your.." I wanted to comfort him that we would be fine, when he covered my lips with his palm.

"Do not speak either, control your breaths too." he whispered in my ears and I nodded but his hands still stayed there. I just closed my eyes to let the moments pass.

We could hear the breaking of trees and their loud roars, we were so close to another catastrophe.

So, this was how he had faced the attack in his last life. I had to admit that the plan was perfect. No matter how much the reason was searched, it would come under natural death.