Shall i do the honor?

Abigail pov contd.

"I think it is fine now." I said trying to move, but his grip on my body tightened, and I jerked back. The position was becoming more and more intimate as my whole back was leaning on his chest now.

"You are shivering badly, Abi, besides there is no space to move." he replied as his hands still held me tightly closer to him.

"But this is a very intimate position for a knight and the prince." it was not like i have never been this close to a man before, but sometimes i feel that he was like fire, and if i went too close to him, i would be burnt as a moth.

As I could not continue further, my white uniform and his white shirt clung to our bodies and now the clothes were creating friction, not to forget that he still had kept his first 3 buttons open like always. I could feel his chest over my back and his hot breath touching my nape.