The kiss

William pov

No matter how much time had passed acting me as a womanizer, the truth was I have never touched a woman more than kissing their hands or touching their hair and holding their hands.

So the intimacy we were sharing right now was making me restless and uneasy. I wanted to control, i wanted to let go, i told my mind that she was not mine, she loved someone else, she had been in someone else arms, yet my body was betraying me, my rationality drowning in her deep breathes, the way her lips were shivering, the cold water that was passing through her forehead, her nose, and slowly drops falling on her lips.

I have to close my eyes to not ravage  those luscious lips when she licks them. It felt so damn hot, I could see that my body was heating. That was a strange feeling I have never felt before or have thought that I would feel for someone, specifically in this condition.