Getting him Conscious

William pov contd.

"You… i … you" it took me an eternity to come out from my daze. Did we just kiss! A kiss! It was ringing in my mind like a siren.  My eyes were still fixed on her lips and I gulped, my adam apple moved, that made me even more embarrassed.

No matter how inexperienced I was, I knew this was a simple kiss, yet it felt so good as if I was on cloud nine. My eyes were burning with desire and passion. I wanted more of it, more of her touch. I moved my lips closer to have a better kiss this time when i heard her speaking,

"I think your highness is much more dazed than i have expected." Her words broke the spell that had engulfed me. Only then did I realize what I was going to do.

I looked at her with embarrassment,  but there was only humor in her eyes as if she was enjoying my predicament.

I wanted to kiss her lips and at the same time, I did not. I had never faced this foolish dilemma.