In the Dark Passage

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As the wind continued to blow, we slowly started to walk again. William was holding the reins of the horse who was still looking weak. 

"There is a stream nearby." we both said at the same time as we heard the sound of water falling from the distance. We both walked a bit hurriedly towards the stream.

"Wait here, I shall check for any threat before we both can go there." he said, holding my hand and I chuckled.

"Are you forgetting that I am the knight here, your highness. Or are you taking me as a weak and needy woman." he shook his head and let my hand go.

"I only take you as a stubborn bird who did not listen to me at all." Although he was saying that, his steps still fastened and his grip on the daggers tightened as he started to walk in front of me, completely covering me from the expected danger.

When we walked, there was only a flock of deer which ran away looking at the human with weapons.