Skin ship

William pov

  This was the tunnel we both used to go out when we were kids and reach the lakeside and play there until her mother came to find us. She was the only one who treated me like a human, but not an object to usurp the throne when even my real mother failed to do so.

I still remember her patting my shoulders and saying, "you will be fine, Will. One day when you will turn into fine gentlemen, I will marry you and Abi. if you want you can leave the palace then and come and live with us." her words had always been kind and full of warmth. She was the most brave and selfless lady I have ever met.

"Abi, do you miss your mother?" I asked before I could realize what I was doing. But it was too late to take my words back so I acted as if it was a casual question.

"I.. I did not remember much about her. I was too young when she left me." she replied, awkwardly.