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Abigail pov contd

"I am afraid to ask but are you a little crazy, my lord?" I asked as I looked at the young man.

He blinked as if he was surprised by my reply and then chuckled. 

"Why, what were you expecting then? A monetary benefit of something else? I earned more than enough from the royal palace. That is more than enough to keep my seven generations  satisfied." he replied with a cute smile. 

"I never knew that humans could be satisfied with money. I thought no matter how much they had, they are always filled with greed to have more." just what kind of creature was he!

He laughed again as he moved and sat beside me. "You are funny my lady. See, i am a single child in my family and we live a simple life since i am a commoner not a noble, we do not have many needs. I love my work. Saving life and helping people is something that I love . It is more important than money for me.