His hidden lies!

Abigail pov contd

I winced again when the lady treated my wounds.

"Why do you always get injured so much? There are so many knights in this palace  but you are the one who gets maximum injury." she complained with a sigh.

"I do not know why you try to be strong too? If it is painful you can complain. It is not like there are many to judge you." she added when i stayed silent. Except wincing, I did not say a word.

"You are a stubborn kid, you know." she shook her head as she finally bandaged my wounds.

"How bad is it this time?" I finally asked when she was done.

"One week rest, minimum. Or the wounds will open again. You are going to the academy, right? Do not worry, the physician there is my friend. I will write a letter for you. Pass it to her, she will treat you kindly." said the old lady with a kind smile as she patted my shoulders lightly, afraid to hurt me further.