Never be there for forever!

Abigail pov contd.

"Ah, there must be some confusion then. I think l am too tired to listen carefully.'' I replied covering my forehead with my hands as if I was dizzy. 

"You and I need to sit and talk, my lady. But for now go and take rest.'' My father knew that I was trying to find an excuse, but his worries took over his rationality and in the end he asked me to go and rest.

"Go and call Noah and ask him to escort Abi to her room." my eyes narrowed at cheap and blatant tricks. Even parents in the 21st century try to conceal their actions with proper excuses.

Thank goodness Noah did not like me at all. Or else it would have been a problem to continue this friendship.

"I would have been in my room till he would come.'' I murmured, though I knew that his hearing capacity was good enough to listen to me.