Share the hut!

William pov contd.

"Why are we suddenly called here, your highness?" asked Lucas as he met me at the doorstep of the brothel. The soft music can be heard from a distance when I walk in.

"Go in and ask them to be prepared for the meeting. I did not want to waste time acting.`` I whispered and Kirian nodded and walked in.

When I entered the music had already stopped. And the girls were already in their uniform. They were standing perfectly in an alert position. Though i knew they must have run to make the place cleaner and change their clothes.

"I am grateful to all of you for accompanying me on this journey. But we have to increase our attacks and discreetly weaken the enemy now. As you all have heard, yesterday we were attacked when we went hunting.

And I will join the academy tomorrow. There would be a high chance that I will be attacked there easily. So, I want you to infiltrate the enemy.