[Bonus chapter] Something in return.

Abigail pov.

The rain has been pouring since morning. And there was no sign of stopping it. It felt like it would only calm down when the whole empire would be drowned in it. 

"The horses will not be able to move in this weather, my lady." said the coachman as he looked at me apologetically but I nodded in understanding.

"Shall we go tomorrow?" asked Isabella as she looked at me and then at her luggage which was just behind her. 

"I do not know what impression it would leave on the masters. If a large number of students did not attend then it will be fine, otherwise we will be the odd one.`` I replied as the pitter patter sound increased.

She sighed as she sat on the chair and held her chin with both hands.

"If you do not mind, I can take both of you to the academy." We both turned to see Oliver walking towards us with a small bag in his hands. 

"And how will you do that?" commented Bella in irritation.