
Abigail pov contd.

"Come, let's go to the hut, it is still raining." said Bella as she opened the umbrella once again.

The journey was worse than I had expected and my face was looking terrible. Though the reason was not rain, as Oliver has said, he knew riding the carriage well. It rode better than normal days even when the rain blurred this vision.

But I was still on pins and needles because of the promise I had made. 

"I think you should go and inform your father of our arrival first. Then we can go to the hut. I still need to inform you about my arrival as a knight to his highness.`` This was the best excuse I could form with my dull mind. But she was too happy to care, so she nodded immediately.

"Alright, you should go and complete all the formalities then. I will go and inform my father about our arrival." she hummed as she walked with a bright smile.