Her future husbands!

Noah pov.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked with utter bewilderment. "How and why would I marry you?" I asked shocked, and exasperated but she only blinked. Her reaction was so slow that I was not sure if she was normal or crazy.

"Oh, you still did not remember me?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"There was no way I could forget a crazy person like you. I am sure we have never met  before." I replied as I turned to leave only to see that four knights were covering me from every direction.

"What the hell!"

"Well, maybe because I have changed my clothes and hair. I was looking poor that day. In the woods, but we have shared the ride together and you have held my hand. You even promised to show me your face when we meet for the next time. Do you really not remember anything?" she added the last like with a pause when she saw my blank face.