She is a crazy woman!

Abigail pov

I gulped as I heard him talking about that night. So she has not forgotten me. She has just taken me as Noah and now she would ask her further questions. I looked at Bella who was frowning with Noah. 

He surely would kill me if he knew that I had used his name without even asking him. 

"So, she wants to marry you due to a rendezvous of a night." I asked, pressuring my memory to remember if something special happened that night that made her fall in love with Noah.

"I have already told you I have never met her. I have never shared a horse ride with any girl." he replied through gritted teeth.

His annoyance created goosebumps on my skin. I shuddered at the thought that they would discuss it and he would realize that I was the one who was riding that night in the woods!

"Umm, i have something to tell you." I said with a bit of hesitation as I looked at Bella. She nodded and left the room.