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Abigail pov contd

  To say that I was shocked would be an understatement! How could the man expect me to marry him, just because I used his name once! Isn't it too much?

"Isn't your master an old man? How could he expect to marry me when I am not even 16?" I asked , incredulously stunned.

The man chuckled again, "not at all my lady. My master is just twenty years old. And do not worry, he had said that he would come to meet you personally at your coming of age ceremony. He would be your first dance. Till then you can communicate with him through letters. I will wait for you here daily. Or I can send a boy to deliver you a letter and get your reply if you prefer that.'' He offered, with a kind smile but I seriously could not understand anything at all.

"I have not accepted the offer." I reminded him and he nodded.